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Service Description: This collection contains 1 2014 2-centimeter color infrared orthorectified image of an area near Rocky Canyon, Idaho. These data were acquired in January, 2014. These data are sourced from US NSF Idaho EPSCOR.
These data are part of a larger collection (README.txt) of UAS imagery data and data products from Camas, Cedar Gulch and Rocky Canyon Idaho. Data products include digital surface models (DSM), orthorectified color imagery (Ortho), and las point cloud files for each site and season; the dataset also contains 5-cm and 25-cm resolution canopy height models (CHM) for the Camas and Cedar Gulch sites during the summer sampling season. Processing reports are provided for each site and season for more details on processing parameters and georeferencing errors.
Suggested Citation: Olsoy, P., Burgess, M., Sorensen Forbey, J., Rachlow, J., Shipley, L., & Thornton, D. (2022). Unoccupied aerial systems imagery from Camas, Cedar Gulch and Rocky Canyon Idaho [Data set]. University of Idaho.
See the Data Processing Reportto learn more about camera location, camera calibrarion, and image overlap.
Individual image tiles can be downloaded using the Idaho Imagery Explorer.
These data can be bulk downloaded from a web accessible folder.
Data are sourced from:
Name: imagery/rockycanyonwinter_2014
Description: This collection contains 1 2014 2-centimeter color infrared orthorectified image of an area near Rocky Canyon, Idaho. These data were acquired in January, 2014. These data are sourced from US NSF Idaho EPSCOR.
These data are part of a larger collection (README.txt) of UAS imagery data and data products from Camas, Cedar Gulch and Rocky Canyon Idaho. Data products include digital surface models (DSM), orthorectified color imagery (Ortho), and las point cloud files for each site and season; the dataset also contains 5-cm and 25-cm resolution canopy height models (CHM) for the Camas and Cedar Gulch sites during the summer sampling season. Processing reports are provided for each site and season for more details on processing parameters and georeferencing errors.
Suggested Citation: Olsoy, P., Burgess, M., Sorensen Forbey, J., Rachlow, J., Shipley, L., & Thornton, D. (2022). Unoccupied aerial systems imagery from Camas, Cedar Gulch and Rocky Canyon Idaho [Data set]. University of Idaho.
See the Data Processing Reportto learn more about camera location, camera calibrarion, and image overlap.
Individual image tiles can be downloaded using the Idaho Imagery Explorer.
These data can be bulk downloaded from a web accessible folder.
Data are sourced from:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
XMin: 322694.99457295705
YMin: 4947322.52277029
XMax: 324328.72303445137
YMax: 4948964.844805626
Spatial Reference: 26912
Initial Extent:
XMin: 322694.99457295705
YMin: 4947322.52277029
XMax: 324328.72303445137
YMax: 4948964.844805626
Spatial Reference: 26912
Full Extent:
XMin: 322694.99457295705
YMin: 4947322.52277029
XMax: 324328.72303445137
YMax: 4948964.844805626
Spatial Reference: 26912
Pixel Size X: 0.024344401816363232
Pixel Size Y: 0.024344401816369744
Band Count: 4
Pixel Type: U8
RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [
"name": "None",
"description": "A No-Op Function.",
"help": ""
"name": "Color Infrared",
"description": "Display color infrared (CIR). A band combination (4,1,2 | near infrared + red + green) useful in seeing changes in plant health.",
"help": ""
Mensuration Capabilities: Basic
Has Histograms: true
Has Colormap: false
Has Multi Dimensions : false
Rendering Rule:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Copyright Text: 1. Peter OlsoyORCiD: Boise State University2. Matthew BurgessORCiD: Univeristy of Florida3. Jennifer Sorensen ForbeyORCiD: Boise State University4. Janet RachlowORCiD: University of Idaho5. Lisa ShipleyORCiD: NULLAffiliation: Washington State University6. Daniel ThorntonORCiD: NULLAffiliation: Washington State University
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeProcessed
Min Values: 0, 0, 0, 0
Max Values: 251, 243, 230, 255
Mean Values: 153.65515332287004, 159.52419197542605, 156.98972846293273, 254.93244881485396
Standard Deviation Values: 32.89817473177602, 33.30673895550019, 31.834372103003442, 3.5101587266443444
Object ID Field: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 200
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Category
, Coded Values:
[0: Unknown]
, [1: Primary]
, [2: Overview]
, ...6 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Acquisition Year First
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Acquisition Year Last
type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: Resolution (cm)
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Product Definition
, Coded Values:
[0: Unknown]
, [2: Natural Color]
, [3: Natural Color + Infrared]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Collection Name
, Coded Values:
[5: Island Park Reservoir 2016]
, [6: Challis National Forest 2010]
, [0: Idaho 2004]
, ...123 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Rectification
, Coded Values:
[0: Unknown]
, [1: Orthorectified]
, [2: Georectified]
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Constraints
, Coded Values:
[1: Public]
, [2: Restricted]
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Source
, Coded Values:
[0: Unknown]
, [2: U.S. Geological Survey]
, [3: Idaho Department of Water Resources]
, ...12 more...
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: Acquistition Date First, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: Acquistition Date Last, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Download URL, length: 256
Default Mosaic Method: Northwest
Allowed Mosaic Methods: NorthWest,Center,LockRaster,ByAttribute,Nadir,Viewpoint,Seamline,None
SortValue: null
Mosaic Operator: First
Default Compression Quality: 80
Default Resampling Method: Bilinear
Max Record Count: 1000
Max Image Height: 20000
Max Image Width: 25000
Max Download Image Count: 30000
Max Mosaic Image Count: 20
Allow Raster Function: true
Allow Copy: true
Allow Analysis: true
Allow Compute TiePoints: false
Supports Statistics: true
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Use StandardizedQueries: true
Raster Type Infos:
Name: Raster Dataset
Description: Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets
Has Raster Attribute Table: false
Edit Fields Info: null
Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null
Child Resources:
Key Properties
Raster Function Infos
Supported Operations:
Export Image
Download Rasters
Compute Histograms
Compute Statistics Histograms
Get Samples
Compute Class Statistics
Query Boundary
Compute Pixel Location
Compute Angles